The First Rule of Extension Methods

Extension methods are a tremendously useful feature of C# 3. Briefly, they allow you to bundle new behavior into an existing class that wasn't included by the class's original author, but without opening up the implementation internals of the class. In a very general sense, this is useful if you come up with useful behavior related to a class and the best place for it is IN that class, but you don't want to bend or break encapsulation by inheriting. I won't spend any more words on an introduction, but rather offer a caution, for those of you who have seen their usefulness and would like to start taking advantage.

Before you even begin to think about whether a particular behavior belongs on an existing class, or as a service, or what have you, you should internalize one cardinal rule of dealing with extension methods. Thankfully this First Rule of Extension Methods is nothing like the First Rule of Fight Club, because if it were, I wouldn't be able to help you at all. No, the First Rule of Extension Methods is: DO NOT export extension methods in the same namespace as your other public classes.

The reason for this is very very simple: odds are very good that if you have come up with an idea of including a particular new behavior on an existing class, someone else has or will as well. There will only be a finite number of relevant names to give this new method, which means that if it's a simple method, especially one without parameters, there's a decent chance that the signatures of your method and this other programmer's will be identical. And if both you and this other programmer happen to include the method on public static classes in a namespace with other functionality the user needs, then someone trying to use both libraries could very likely run up against identifier collisions with the two methods.

Note that the rule begins with "do not export..." This is important, because you can be 100% certain to save your users any collision headaches if you just don't export your extension method. Why wouldn't you export your extension method? Well, there's a very good chance that just because you found your extension method to be useful and, dare I say, clever (Tyler Durden: "how's that working out for you?"), that doesn't mean the consumer of your library will. So consider carefully whether you should even make the method public at all, or rather just keep it internal.

If you decide that your method is just so darned handy that to keep it locked up would just be sadistic, then make a separate namespace for each batch of related extension methods you want to export. If the user decides they'd like to use them too, they can import the namespace as necessary. This will minimize the chance that they will need to fully qualify the namespaces of the other library with the identically named method whose author wasn't as responsible as you were and polluted their namespaces with extension methods.

This tactic won't guarantee anything, because there's always a chance some other library could use the same namespace identifiers as well. But with each additional namespace, you dramatically increase possible naming permutiations, and proportionally decrease the chance of collisions.

Useful Extension Methods 1 through 3 of N

Quite often when I'm writing code I'll notice a very small bit of logic that keeps popping up all over the place. It's usually something so trivial that most people barely notice it. But it's also usually something that shows up so often that, despite being small and ignorable, it constitutes a fairly constant level of noise in the code. By noise I simply mean something that takes up more characters than it needs to, obscuring the real meat of the logic of your code. Common functionality like this that everyone knows and understands should just get out of the way, fade into the background, and let the unique logic stand out.

You may have also heard of this noise idea by another name: accidental complexity.

As Reg Braithwaite has pointed out, looping syntax is one of these things. With the ubiquity of IEnumerable and the advent of extension methods in C#, there is almost never a good reason to write an explicit for loop anymore. Looping is a ubiquitous bit of logic that nonetheless takes up quite a lot of characters. Even the vaunted foreach loop is now officially more verbose than it very often needs to be.

Microsoft made it easy to get rid of the explicit loop when what you are doing is essentially a mapping operation, with the inclusion of the IEnumerable.Select extension method.

Say your Foo class has a static function taking a Bar and returning a Foo, and you want to use this function to take a collection of Bars and create a collection of Foos.

You could do this:
IEnumerable<Bar> bars = GetAllBars();
List<Foo> foos = new List<Foo>();

foreach (var bar in bars)

Or you could do this, which is obviously much more concise:
IEnumerable&lt;bar> bars = GetAllBars();
IEnumerable&lt;foo> foos = bars.Select(Foo.FromBar).ToList();

Note that the Select function completely takes care of the looping logic. Once you know that, this code reveals itself as being extremely elegant. But what if the action you're taking doesn't return anything? You're "stuck" writing an explicit loop, right? Not at all.

Take this code:
IEnumerable<Foo> foos = bar.GetAllItems();

foreach (var foo in foos)

To start removing the noise, first define an extension method for IEnumerable called ForEach. This is extension method #1.
public static IEnumerable<X> ForEach<X>(this IEnumerable<X> lhs, Action<X> func)
foreach (X x in lhs)
yield return x;

Then rewrite:

Now there's just the issue of that nasty little ToList call. Right now, we need that in order to force the collection to be iterated. The yield return syntax essentially causes a function's execution to be deferred until an element is actually requested. This is actually potentially useful even if none of the things you need to do will return values. You can chain together a bunch of actions on the collection by chain-calling ForEach with different delegates. But it's still silly to create and throw away a List just to do this.

So we create an Evaluate function that does a simple explicit iteration and nothing more, to force the iterator to be evaluated. This is extension method #2.
public static void Evaluate<X>(this IEnumerable<X> lhs)
foreach (X x in lhs) ;
And now you can replace ToList with Evaluate, which will iterate the collection without allocating a new List.

This is nice, and is going to be useful if we need to chain ForEach calls. But when we don't need that there's still that Evaluate call at the end that's going to be repeated every time we want this functionality, which could be an awful lot. So, let's get rid of that too.

To do that we define a Visit function (named for the Visitor Pattern), that will call ForEach with the given delegate, and then Evaluate as well. This is extension method #3.
public static void Visit<X>(this IEnumerable<X> lhs, Action<X> func)

Now we can finally get all this done in a single function call:

This takes some getting used to. But it really has the potential to condense your code. It isn't readily apparent looking at one bit of code, but once you start talking about nested loops or consecutive loops, you'll see the difference. Not to mention the total effect it will have across your codebase. Loops are everywhere. Shave off 50 characters from each one and your talking about a lot of characters in aggregate.

For my part, after I determined to avoid explicit loops whenever possible, the comparatively verbose explicit looping syntax became almost painfully extraneous to my eyes. I feel like function calls are much more elegant.