
You are faced with an unfamiliar coding problem. You know what you're "supposed to do"--use this pattern, follow that convention--but you don't know why. And the guidance seems ever so slightly... off. The context is just a bit different. The constraints are a bit tighter here. A bit looser there. The peg doesn't quite fit in the hole, but everyone is telling you it should.

Everyone is telling you "this is how you do it" or "this is how we've always done it". You think you can follow the rule, but you don't think it will be pretty. What do you do?

I have witnessed many people in this situation make their choice. Most commonly they do whatever it takes to follow the rule. If the peg doesn't fit, they pound it till it's the right shape. If the cloth won't cover, they'll stretch, fold, and tear creatively until they can make a seam. Somewhat less often, they just toss out the advice and do it the way they are comfortable with. Often that just means "hacking out" an ad hoc solution.

In either case, the person learns nothing. They will repeat their struggle the next time they face a situation that is ever so slightly different. They will sweat, stress, and hack again. Over and over, until someone shows them a new rule to follow.

As students we are taught to learn first by rote, then by rule. If we are lucky, we are eventually tested on whether we have learned to think. And most commonly we manage to slog it out and do well enough to pass without actually being required to think. It is so very easy to become comfortable with this model of learning. A particular someone, vested with the responsibility of fertilizing our minds and nurturing the growth of understanding, knows the answers. We don't understand, but someone can at least tell us when we are right or wrong, and often that's enough.

We settle into dependence. And by settling, we establish roadblocks in our path before we even set foot on the road. By settling, we refuse to take ownership of our own knowledge. We put ourselves at the mercy of those who know more and are willing to share of their time and understanding to help us overcome obstacles of our own creation.

This situation is not inevitable. You can avoid dooming yourself to toil under it with a very simple determination. But make no mistake, this simple determination will require determination. When you face the prospect of doing something that you do not understand, stop, take note, and ask "Why?" Refuse to continue on with any course of action until you know why you are doing it.

I'm not talking about questioning authority here (though that's good too). I am advocating understanding. If you think there's any chance you may have to face a similar situation again, then as a professional developer it behooves you to understand what you're doing this time, and why. This prepares you firstly to defend your actions, and secondly to tackle similar but different problems in the future.

By recognizing the reasoning behind a particular prescribed course of action, when you encounter a similar situation in the future you will be able to identify the subset of the problem that is subject to the prescription. Seeing this allows you to conceptually distinguish that part of the problem from the rest. From this vantage point you can decide whether the remainder is just noise that has to be accommodated, or something more significant. You will be able to start to consider whether there is another layer or dimension to the problem which might be better served by a different or additional pattern. You will be able to think, intelligently, and intentionally, about the problem both as a whole, and in part.

Lack of mindfulness is the scourge of intellectual pursuits (and a great many other things in life). Whether in programming, in health, in investment, etc., it binds you to the service of rules and systems. It puts you at the mercy of those who have understanding, and under the thumb of those who own the systems. Benevolent or otherwise, do you really want your own success and satisfaction to come at the whim of someone else, for no other reason than that you couldn't be bothered to put in the effort to understand? Do you want to spend your career tromping the same grounds over and over again, never coming to any familiarity or understanding of the landscape?

Always ask, "Why?" Then take the time to understand. Always be deliberate and intentional about applying any solution. Don't just follow the directions of the crowd, or some authority. You're not a patient taking orders from your doctor. This is your domain. Own your knowledge. Your future self will thank you.

Glints of Profession

Recently I caught a few tweets from Patrick Welsh where he briefly mentioned pair-programming with his young daughter while she was home sick from school. In particular the second one referenced being "green", as in all tests passing. It struck me on a couple of different levels, even beyond the "awww" factor.

(Let me not understate the "awww" factor. Stories like this set anticipation brewing in me. I can't wait to be able to share my passion for programming with my own son or daughter. Hopefully she listens better than I did when my dad attempted to enact the rituals of fatherhood with me at his workbench, under the hood of the car, and in the kitchen. Sorry Dad! If I could do it again, I'd pay attention this time around.)

This brief snapshot of their interaction conjured visions of the apprentice at the elbow of the master craftsman, absorbing subtle waves of well-worn trade wisdom. We're talking about more than just "measure twice, cut once" type of stuff here. The equivalent of that might be "fail fast". Very good, very fundamental advice, to be sure. But testing and TDD are at least one level above that.

At the level of TDD, we're dealing with explicable, transferrable techniques. Not just muscle memory, but practices. Practices that, when followed, guide the hands of the initiate on the path toward skill, consistency, and quality. To me, this is a huge indicator of mature and professional behavior on the teacher's part. And such things are themselves markers of the continuing evolution of programming from simply a job to a profession.

Compare these types of hallmarks to the ad hoc, piecemeal, on-demand way that most programmers still learn the tricks of the trade. Most of us are still tossed into the job without mentorship to speak of. We're lucky if we've been taught theory in school, but this is incomplete knowledge at best. (This is like the difference between knowing how a car works, and being able to build one.) But a relevant degree is not the path most commonly arrived by for programmers anyway. Most programmers learn through the work alone, maybe supplemented by online information gleaned from Stack Overflow questions, or blog posts where people have documented their own unique travails. Lessons are gleaned through individual trial and error, with the occasional vicarious horror story of warning.

This story is still common. Though happier alternatives are becoming more common. Many of us make quite a show of seeking to make programming a true profession. There's a Craftsmanship Manifesto. There are apprenticeships. There are actual, literal journeymen, as well as prolific, sough-ought masters. But these are all bright trappings, and it is quite easy to lose track of substance.

Profession is not found in titles and roles, or documents of good intent. Profession is not even found in the practices themselves, for TDD does not a craftsman make. Profession is found in the fact that there ARE practices which are known to improve the quality and consistency of work. Profession is found in the wisdom that is passed on by mentors, in concert with the mechanical skills of the job. Profession is found in the common platform of discipline, integrity, and mutual education upon which quality work, worthy of pride, is built.

I haven't seen what happens in Obtiva's apprenticeships, or in Uncle Bob's classes, or when Corey Haines pairs with his hosts. I trust that they do bear forward, at least in part, the evolution of our chosen trade. But in the words and excitement of Patrick Welsh's little apprentice, I can see for myself the rough diamond of profession glinting in the light.

Identity Crisis in Computer Science Education

A while back, the seeds of a post started rolling around in my head, inspired by my lack of satisfaction with the preparation my education provided me for a programming career. But I didn't quite know what I thought. Then not long ago, Joel Spolsky presented a radical repackaging of Computer Science degrees, supposedly geared toward producing better programmers, and my thoughts started to gel.

I knew what my personal complaint was, and I knew that it was connected to a larger problem with the state of computer science education in general. But I didn't know exactly what the larger problem was, let alone have any ideas worth sharing on what might be done about it.

Now that seemingly the entire remainder of the blogosphere has weighed in on this and related topics, I think I am finally ready to throw my two cents in. I'm going to barrage you with links in the following paragraphs, to ensure that I credit everyone I read who assisted me in coming to my final conclusions. Feel free not to click through, but be aware that they represent a rich cross-section of an important discussion.

It took me several weeks to realize that what we have going on is essentially a three-way tug of war from people in different regions of the vast sphere of software development, who need very different things out of their workers, and hence out of their education. Below I will give a run-down of some of the claims made, expressing the different forces pulling on CS graduates these days. You'll quickly see it's no wonder that the schools are so confused....

The Artisan Programmer

Joel laments the uselessness of theory courses in computer science curricula, saying "I remember the exact moment I vowed never to go to graduate school" and then proceeding to recall a terrible experience he had with a Dynamic Logic class. Jeff Atwood insists that real-world development environments need to be in place and mandatory, including, but not limited to, source control, bug tracking, deployment, and user feedback. Then, as mentioned above, Joel proposes offering BFAs in software development, to make darn well sure that none of the academic (in the pejorative sense) theory stuff gets mixed in unnecessarily. The upshot of most of these points are that computer science / programming degrees should spend as much time as possible teaching people what they need to know to go into a career in software development, writing business software or software products.

The Computer Scientist

Brian Hurt comes in from another direction entirely, and in the process makes some very good points about the true purpose of higher education. He lays the blame for the flood of single-language programmers entering the workforce at the feet of schools who do just exactly what Joel and Jeff are asking for. He makes some great points. And while he sounds more than a little reminiscent of the classic Joel post about the perils of java schools, his argument is much more thorough than just blaming the tools. Chris Cummer joins this party, wishing that his theory foundations had been firmer, and making an excellent analogy to the difference between someone who studies a language, and someone who studies language. We also have the respectable Raganwald, who although he has admirably pointed out good points from all sides, doesn't shy from offering his opinion that programmers ignore CS fundamentals at risk of their own career advancement.

The Software Engineer

But thats not all. Several people have weighed in from yet another direction. Robert Dewar and Edmond Schonberg wrote one of the posts that started off this blog firestorm. Along with alluding to a similar sentiment as Hurt and Cummer, they heavily criticize the state of software engineering education for focusing too much on how to use specific, limited tools, when there are more sophisticated ones available. They claim understanding these will allow software engineers to easily pick up the other tools that may come along and direct them to appropriate purposes. Ravi Mohan stops short of calling the education satisfactory, instead sensibly pointing out simply that an engineer who doesn't use standard engineering tools such as system modeling, isn't really an engineer. Mohan comes on a little too strong for me in the comments, but the posts themselves (of which there are also a precursor and a successor, and should soon be one more) are worth reading. Like the others he makes valid points.

Resolving the Crisis

Mark Guzdial is one of the few people that really puts his finger near the pressure point. Though maybe not near enough to feel the pulse beneath it when he did so. At risk of quoting a little too heavily....
Rarely, and certainly not until the upper division courses, do we emphasize creativity and novel problem-solving techniques. That meshes with good engineering practice. That does not necessarily mesh with good science practice.

Computer scientists do not need to write good, clean code. Science is about critical and creative thinking. Have you ever read the actual source code for great programs like Sketchpad, or Eliza, or Smalltalk, or APL 360? The code that I have seen produced by computational scientists and engineers tends to be short, without comments, and is hard to read. In general, code that is about great ideas is not typically neat and clean. Instead, the code for the great programs and for solving scientific problems is brilliant. Coders for software engineers need to write factory-quality software. Brilliant code can be factory-quality. It does not have to be though. Those are independent factors.
And there it is.... Different environments require different mindsets/approaches/philosophies. Research requires one mindset/philosophy of work, engineering requires another, and in-the-trench-based programming requires yet a third.

When a person suffers from a personality fracture, the resolution is often to merge the personalities by validating each as part of a whole. Fortunately, since we are not dealing with a person, we have the freedom to go another direction: make the split real and permanent.

Associate of Science in Computer Programming

To fill Joel and Jeff's need, the student who wants to work in the craft of software development / computer programming, who wants to be an artisan, needs to have an appropriate degree. It needs to provide them with an exposure to the generalized idea of the programming platforms and tools that they will have to deal with for the rest of their career. Lose the lambda calculus, compiler-writing projects, etc. These things not necessary for them to get stuff done in the trenches. But they do need to be exposed to the fundamental generalities that pervade programming. And they need to be prepared to learn at an accelerated rate while in the field. That just comes with the territory. Focus on core programming skills like program analysis, debugging, and test practices. Introduce industry-standard tools (emphasizing generality and platform-independence) such as source-control, bug tracking, etc.

I think a two-year associate degree is perfect for the code-monkeys and business programmers that just love to dig in and mess around with code, and don't want to concern themselves with the overarching concerns. Especially with these jobs increasingly being pushed offshore, computer science grads are rapidly being priced out of the market. An associate degree is cheap enough to be worth the investment for a lower-paying programming job. And it doesn't carry the overhead of any unnecessary theoretical content that they may not be interested in learning. It should be noted though that this type of programming job enters the realm of the trades, with all the associated benefits and drawbacks.

If you're looking for a more well-rounded individual capable of moving up out of this position into a lead position, or even management, then a 4-year bachelor of science (or Joel's BFA, but I tend not to think so) may be a viable option as well.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

There's not much to say about this degree, because if you look at all the schools that are famous for their CS degrees, this is pretty much what you'll find. Lighter on general studies, heavy on theory, heavy on math. Light on tools because the students will be expected to find (or make) tools that work for them. Light on specific language education because students will be expected to adapt to whatever language is necessary for their problem domain.

This is a degree that will produce people primed for going on to masters and doctorates. They will end up in research, "disruptive" startups, or working on new languages, OSes, etc. This degree is designed for people who want to work at the edge of things. Who want to solve new problems and push the boundaries. They are people upon whom will be placed the burden of pushing the state of knowledge in CS into the next era.

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering

I am hesitant to propose this degree, because I am not certain that the practice of Software Engineering has evolved to the point where we have 4 years worth of general knowledge that's worth teaching, and that won't be out of style by the time the student's graduate.

It seems that some people, when they talk about Software Engineering, are talking about architecture and design, and others are talking about process, resource allocation, estimation, etc. To be frank, I don't think the former qualifies as a true engineering discipline. At least not yet. I don't know how much the modeling of programs that Ravi Mohan talks about is going on out there in the industry. I suspect that it happens more in the process of really big projects, and maybe in digital security. The second type of engineering people think of, however, I think is very similar to what we see in manufacturing, with industrial and process engineers. These are people who get an intimate knowledge of the domain, and then figure out ways to get everything to run smoother, more efficiently, and producing higher quality.

I can definitely see some education possibilities here, though I am not sure myself how to fill out the whole degree. It should at least encompass a good portion of the Associate of Science in Computer Programming, because they need to understand the intricacies involved. I can also see this degree teaching some of the more established measurement and estimation techniques found among the industry's established and experienced software project managers. Generally more management-related topics such as resource allocation, planning, product design, feature negotiation, etc. might fit in well here. Different project processes, testing/QA models, and of course an ability to keep up to date with technologies and platforms, are all par for the course as it's all critical for making decisions in the industry.


I really, honestly believe that Computer Science education as a whole needs a makeover. It needs more structure, more integrity in the vision of what each degree means, across schools. When someone has one of these degrees, you need to be able to reliably assume they should have learned certain things, regardless what school they went to. Many of the degrees currently on offer don't satisfactorily prepare their students for any one of the possible careers discussed above. I'm not saying their hand needs to be held from enrollment right on through to their first job. That's not the purpose of college. The purpose of college is to provide a cohesive education, directed to some relatively well-defined goal of capability and knowledge. Today this is tragically non-uniform at best, and absent altogether at worst.

So I see plenty of room in software development education for a clarification of purpose, and a readjustment of goals and curricula. A few different tracks, each geared toward a distinct section of the sphere with different goals and different responsibilities. And if we resolve to use existing terminology with some respect for the historical meaning of the words, we can re-use our existing nomenclature. But there can be no more of this muddy slurry of computer science, craft of programming, and software engineering all overlapping in claims of purpose, treading on each others' territory without care. Everyone can have what they are asking for. They just need to accept that no one can claim the "one true way".