Clean Injection of Individual Settings Values

The Setup

Today I again encountered a challenge that I have dealt with numerous times while working on the product I develop for my employer. It's not insurmountable an insurmountable challenge. Honestly, it's not even all that challenging. But it has been an irritant to me in the past because all the solutions that I have come up with felt unsatisfactory in some way.

That challenge is the injection of simple settings values into the classes that need to refer to them. By simple I mean single-value settings embodied by an integer, a string, or a floating-point, for example. This seems like a simple problem. And honestly, I thought this was going to be a short and sweet post, until I realized that there is value in delineating all the dead ends I've followed on the road to my current favored solution. As you'll see, I've put a fair amount of thought and analysis into it.

Being a hip programmer, I use an IoC container to constructor-inject all my complex dependencies. And my IoC container of choice, Autofac, is only too happy to auto-wire these so I don't have to worry about them. But mixed in among these are the simple settings values that guide the functionality of certain classes. A component/service model doesn't really apply to these values. No one string value is implementing the "string" service. The values can't be easily auto-wired because unlike the complex classes there is certain to be more than one important value floating around for the primitive type in question.

Our app processes image. Large files, and large volume. And worse, the working sets are very large, so we can't handle things piecemeal. We have a serious need in a few different places for disk caching of "active" entities that are still very much in flux. Having multiple caching points necessarily means that there are several parameters that may need to be tweaked to keep things optimized. For each cache we want to be able to set the disk location for the cache and the in-memory entity limit, just to start.

Taking a simple case with two cache points, we have two string settings and two integer settings. So already we are in a position where in order to inject the values, we'll need to do some sort of "switching". Some run-time decision of which string and which integer go where.

Pitfalls and Red Herrings

As I noted in my opening, I have solved this in several ways in the past. One is to hook into the IoC via Autofac's "OnPreparing" event, where I can supply values for particular constructor parameters. This is nice, because it means I can avoid setter injection. But it complicates the IoC bootstrapper by adding exceptions and special handling for particular classes. Just as undesirable, it couples the IoC bootstrapper directly to the settings mechanism.

What about setter injection? Autofac provides a post-construction OnActivated event that is perfect for setter injection, but this is subject to the exact same disadvantages as the pre-construction event. We could leave the setters alone and let some other object fill them in, but that leaves us with a couple different problems. First, there's just as much coupling, it's just outside the IoC, which may or may not be a marginal improvement depending on how it's implemented. If you end up with some class that must be aware of both the app settings mechanism and the class(es) that receive those settings then this is really not much of an improvement.

But beyond that, refraining from providing the values until after the components are obtained is undesirable for yet a few more reasons. First and foremost, it means that your services will exist in a state of incomplete initialization. The risk of getting hold of an incompletely initialized service makes calling code more brittle. And protecting against the possibility makes it more complex. Furthermore, setter injection for these particular types of values is undesirable because it implies they are variants. The truth is that the last thing you want is for some errant code to change the cache location on disk after a bunch of files have been stored there. And putting in protection against such post-initialization changes is pathologically unintuitive: it subverts the very nature and purpose of a setter.

So we've established that these direct injection routes are problematic in a number of ways. Let's move on to indirect injection. What does that mean? Basically it means putting a provider object in the middle. Our classes can take a dependency on the setting provider, which can wrap the settings mechanism itself, or act as a facade for a bundle of different mechanisms.

The option that at first appears simplest is to have a single settings provider object through which all the app's settings can be accessed. The classes can all depend on this object, which the IoC can provide with a singleton lifecycle if we desire, for maximum consistency. But now what we have essentially done is created a service locator for settings. This is another thing that's good to avoid for two reasons. For one, it creates a huge common coupling point, and for two, it violates "tell, don't ask". Why should my dependent class have to depend on a generic interface and worry about asking for the appropriate thing, when all it cares about is just that one thing?

This is especially dangerous if the app-side interface to your settings keeps them grouped just as they are in the user-side (i.e. the config file), as the build in .NET config mechanism is wont to do. The needs of the user for the purpose of managing settings individually or en masse are vastly different than the needs of the application whose behavior is driven by those settings. While a user likely thinks the most intuitive arrangement is for all the 15 of the paths to be bundled together, it's highly unlikely that any particular class in the application is going to care about more than one or two individual paths. And if the class doesn't need them, then they shouldn't be offered to it.

A Light in the Dark

So where do we go from here? If you can believe it after all this meandering and rambling, we're very close. From here we take a little tip from the DDD community: eschew primitives. If you think back to the beginning, the whole problem centers on the fact that primitives are just too darn generic. The type doesn't mean something specific enough for it to be an indicator of what exactly the dependency is. How do we fix this? Encapsulate the individual setting in a type specific to that need. Given that the explicit purpose of these classes will be to provide particular settings to the classes that need them, it is appropriate for these to couple to the configuration mechanism, whatever that may be, and more importantly, encapsulate it in useful bite-size chunks. And because the providers will themselves be injected where needed, the coupling is one-way, one level, down the layer hierarchy, which is arguably the best kind of coupling.

Show Me The Code

Enough talking. Now that I've set the stage, here's some code to furnish and light it.

First, the setting providers. As you can see, they tend to be nice and short and sweet.

Next, the caches that depend on them. Note how the setting providers are used in the constructors.

Finally, I'll show just how easy it can be to wire these up. If you bundle all your setting providers in one namespace, you can even safely auto-register them all in one fell swoop!


There are a few things that I can anticipate people would object to. One is the potential for proliferation of tiny classes. I don't see this as a bad thing at all. I think it's fairly well established that small classes, and methods, with laser-focused responsibilities are far easier to maintain, evolve, and comprehend. I can say from personal experience that I am utterly convinced of this. And if anecdote isn't good enough for you, I'll add an appeal to authority to it =) Go read up on what the most respected programmers out there today are saying, and you'll see them express the same sentiment, and justify it very well.

Another thing I expect people to object to is that when taken as a whole, this pile of small classes looks like a bit of a heavy solution. And it is heavy in this context, where none of the actual app code is surrounding it. But nestle it inside a 50K line desktop app with hundreds of classes and it will start to look a lot better. For one, those classes and their namespace create sort of a bubble. It's a codespace that has boundaries and purpose. You know what's inside it, and you know what's not. It's a goal-oriented mental anchor to latch onto while you code, and that's a darn useful thing.